Friday, April 18, 2008

Sneak Peak of a rug I'm hooking for my local Humane Society

for its annual fund raiser. Hopefully, I'll finish it this weekend and post a picture the entire rug later in the weekend. It is pretty big measuring close to 33 by 22 inches. This rug has all my favorite things in it. A star of course....
A cat and another star.....

A little area of hit or miss hooking......

And another area of hit or miss hooking...........

I think the Humane Society will be selling raffle tickets for the rug so if interested let me know. Plus, I may sell the pattern for the rug on ebay and donate a portion of the proceeds to the Humane Society. Have a great weekend.


  1. Maria,
    Such mistery! I know I'm gonna love this rug. The colors are fabulous. I would love to buy some tickets.

    Lori R

  2. Wow Maria! You are my hero....what a great thing to do...I'd love to buy some tickets too!!!!

  3. Ooh I want to buy some tickets please! :D Looks fantastic from the sneak peeks you're giving Maria!
    OH.. and yah.. add another who is loving your new cabinet! Wish I could find somewhere out here that had good hutches like that!!

  4. Hey Maria...I applaud you for your generosity and for your spirit. Would love a pattern when you put them up for sale (may have to change the cat to a dog, though...{grin}). Lovely sneak peeks...looking forward to seeing the finished rug!

  5. Jacque,
    There maya even be a dog in that rug!! Thanks for all the kind words everyone. maria
