Sunday, March 23, 2008

~*~Happy Easter~*~

I hope you had an enjoyable day celebrating Easter. It snowed here all day. Yesterday was the local Easter Egg hunt. They snowplowed a soccer field and scattered all the eggs over the grass. Look at all those little kids bundled in winter coats, boots, hats, mittens and snow pants. They all enjoyed themselves and sure didn't mind the cold! I couldn't resist taking a picture of the snow, grass and kids. Not the normal scene for an Easter Egg hunt.

While looking for some rug tags today, I came across a rug that I wanted to share with you. I hooked it in 2005 to use as my logo for my business. It is a huge rug, 48 x 56 inches, and weighs a ton. If you can't tell yet, sheep are one of my favorite subjects to hook. I'm working on yet another sheep rug and I just love it. It will be a while before I finish it though.
In the next couple of posts, I'll share some rugs with you that my mother-in-law hooked. About 10 years ago, I taught her to hook and because she is an artist, her rugs have a neat pictorial and impressionistic look to them. They are really neat and I can't wait for you to see them.


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous sheep rug Maria!! You ought to put it in your next ad in RHM! I am just blown away at how many rugs you keep pulling out! LOL! Can you hear me chanting more! more!? :D
    Hope you are doing good and holding your own in the craziness woman!!
