Saturday, February 9, 2008

My First Post

Well, I finally made it to the blog world. I so enjoy reading other people's blogs and check in daily to see what my friends have to say. So I got to thinking....Maybe I should create a blog as well. In my blog, I plan to share with you my daily life as a rug hooker. From my daily struggles with color planning rugs to the finished product, I'll journal my thoughts so that you can see my creative process. Please stop by and share my journey in rug hooking. My hope or goal is to post at least three times a week. Oh and I mentioned my friends who blog, here are some of my favorite bloggers Kelley at Tammy at , Lori Brechlin at Betty at . Maria


  1. Maria-
    I'm so glad that you've joined the blogging world! It looks like we read the same blogs. I've always admired your work and go to your website often. How glad I am that I can now go to your blog too!


  2. Maria,
    I'm so happy you started a blog. You have been a great inspiration to me and I've learned so much from you. I'm looking forward to learning even more through your blog. Best wishes dear friend.

    Lori R
